We have come across a variety of theories regarding the origin of the name Hatchuel. Most of these theories are topanymic, meaning that the name comes from a geographic location where the family lived. These are elucidated below.
- One theory dates to the 13th century when the Jews had a choice of converting to Christianity or leaving England (the English Edict of Expulsion dated 1290 to 1655.) It is believed that there was a family or families that adopted the name of the village in which they lived called Hatchwell, located in the Manchester area of England. Some did convert and remained in England. Others fled the country and migrated to Spain and from there to northern Africa and other places.
- Another theory is that the name comes from the name of a river and small village in the province of Ceudad Real in Spain called Azuel in the Cordoba, Andalusia area of Spain. It is believed that at the time of the Inquisition and expulsion from Spain 1492, some of these families fled to northern Africa and other places.
- The name also could have come from Hachuela in the province of Granada which was known for its sulfur baths.
Azuel Chatshuel Chatshouel Hachuel Hachuell Hachouel Hachuelo Hacouel Hadchouel Haguel Hatchaouil Hatchouel Hatchouil |
Hatchuel Hatchuell Hatchwel Hatchwell Hatshuel Hatshwell Hattchouel Hatuel Hatuel Hatuil Hatwelle Hauguel |