
The purpose of this web site is to connect the extended family of Solika Hatchouel. There are many different spellings of the family name, for example: Hatchouel, Hachuel, Hachuelo, Hatchuelo, Hatchwell, Hatuel Hatouel, Haguel, Azuel. There are many theories about our early origins prior to the story of Solika. We are now scattered around the globe or have come from: Morocco, Algeria, Gibraltar, Spain, France, England, South Africa, Israel, Australia, Canada, the United States, Argentina, Brazil, and Venezuela, to name but a few. What is common knowledge to us all, passed down from generation to generation, is the story of Solika Hatchouel, also known as Solika Ha Tsadika or Lalla Solika. While there are various versions of her story, the tale itself binds us together and indicates to us that we are related.

With the genealogical information collected thus far, we hope this website will illustrate how we are related and provide an opportunity to learn more, make corrections, find answers, and form connections.